Tuesday, August 2, 2011


I walked out in the garden this morning and everything just glistened in the sun. Hershey, our neighbor's dog came along for the walk . She chased a chipmunk which I didn't know we had so I'll be staking him out now that I know where his little home  is!
Of all the flowers I walked by,  this baby golden sunflower caught my interest again today. It's such a tiny little thing, not much bigger than a silver dollar.  I added a vignette in Lightroom. My first attempt at presets! Other than that and a crop, it's SOOC.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Macro Monday

I'm trying my hand at macro shots these days. These are all only cropped. No editing yet. Still learning how to do that! I hope you enjoy a glimpse into my floral world.  Have a great Monday!