Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Simply JOY is the beginning of what I hope to be a written and photographic journal of my daily life as a wife, mother, Nana, and most importantly daughter of Jesus Christ. My name is Carolyn Joy but most friends just call me by my nickname of many years, "Muffin". Somewhere along the way I had an identity crisis! If I could change back, I'd go with simply, Joy. My dad loved my middle name. He always loved telling me  what it stood for. "Jesus Others You". He said that if I lived my life in that order I'd always be happy and at night I could lay my head down in peace. I think he was right. It's not always easy to live that way. In fact, it can sometimes be down right hard. It is my goal in life however, to honor Christ in all I do and to put him first.

For thirty three years I've been married to the most precious man. He is my best friend and soul mate. I believe his a true gift from God. Our three children are now  grown and on their own.  Two have families and live far from southeast Virginia. The youngest lives just a few miles from us. We are blessed with two beautiful granddaughters and a new grandson. Although they all live hundreds of  miles and even oceans/continents away they are the highlight of our lives. Just to hear those sweet voices or see their precious smiles makes even the darkest of days brighter.

 I'm totally ADHD!  Sometimes, my focus doesn't last long and I'll  bounce from one thing to the other. It's a characteristic that I'm sure drives my hubby nuts.  Aside from loving photography, I also enjoy crocheting, loom knitting, reading, cooking and when it's warm I like to ride my motorcycle. I enjoy my  life and hope you will come along with me as I journey through it as simply Joy.


  1. It's about time. I'll be watching... : ) Now that you've got a blog, don't be out-blogging me though...very easy to accomplish these days.

  2. Way to go!! I'll try to do my best to keep up..you know how I am a sorry blogger!!

  3. you sound sooooo much like me I will love watching your blog grow. us adhd sisters need to stick together.
    p.s loved the story of your name joy

  4. Thanks for the encouragement. As you see already I'm a bit behind in the blogging department. It's that ADHD kicking in!!
