Friday, July 22, 2011


Last year while visiting Thailand, I met a delightful elderly gentleman from Belgium. The small inn we were staying at had orchids growing everywhere. So while he and I both waited for our rides he educated me on orchids.  This was his 35th annual visit to Thailand.  Each year, he'd gone there to purchase orchids to take home and sell in his floral shop. Now, too old to run the business he was visiting the island to enjoy the many species that grow there.  I so enjoyed the hour we spent together and to this day I regret not asking him for his email or at least address. He was a wealth of information!

After that brief encounter, I came home infatuated with orchids and decided I must try my hand at growing them. After several trips to floral shops I realized they were out of my league. Then I visited Lowe's and found several on the discount rack for $2.50! I brought them home and much to my dismay I was a failure at growing them. That is until a dear friend said "Oh, don't throw them away! Put them in an eastern window, water them when dry and wait!". I did exactly as she said and here is my result!


  1. What a wonderful surprise! The purple is such a lovely color :) Did she say why it needed to be an eastern facing window?

  2. She said it's the softest morning light that orchids love. I guess she knows since she has oodles of them growing in her sun room which is on the east side of her house.

  3. Wow - glad you listened to your friend's advice! and welcome to the POTD!
